Looking back at 2008
2008 was a breakthrough year for me.
- visit Noah’s Ark for the first time, which opened my heart and mind to experiencing the joy of seeing them liberated, roaming free on safe grounds
- fostered a stray
- got involved in a cause for the first time, inspired by the noah’s ark visit as I begun volunteering as and when I can with the local stray volunteer groups
- quit coffee as a daily fix which was a mini-miracle because I thought I could never live without it
- went on a meat-free diet due to spiritual and animal-loving reasons, another mini miracle because I enjoy my steaks
- paid more attention to my digestive system, or rather how the digestive system influences our overall health
- finally launched my blog, which you’re reading now
- bought a Nintendo wii & the iPhone 3G
- finally visited Pulau Redang and it did not disappoint
- I started to use twitter, which actually brought me some meaningful relationships, very kind words and support in good or bad times.
- celebrated my 1st year anniversary as a solo freelancer in July 2008
- tried to work in a foreign country for the first time at Bali, in an effort to try out my dream to work from anywhere in the world
- celebrated the launch of a few websites that I am proud of
- learnt through the hard way that it is not realistic to expect myself to design for 8 hours a day, and that not to overbook myself or there will be repercussions
- discovered that the relationship between a client and a designer is akin to a romantic relationship. There must be some level of chemistry, and sometimes it works like a match in heaven, other times it doesn’t work out as beautifully as expected
- had a peaceful year with my family, which has not always been the case, so I am very thankful
- having things put in perspective because my parents were caught in the Sichuan earthquake while on a tour, thank God they managed to return home safely
- celebrated my 2nd year anniversary with my partner, whose support has been the cornerstone of my life and work
- discovered my dear friend whom I affectionately call ‘mudder’ may well be my daughter in my past life.
- attended my first angels workshop with Elisabeth Jensen
- discovered the existence of Doreen Virtue
- found a local metaphysics online publication (thought Singapore & lightwork didn’t go together)
- attended my first animal commuication workshop, something that I had wanted to do ever since I learnt the existence of it
- gotten both the Soul Profile & Realignment & Spirit Guides Profile readings done
- read books on Edgar Cayce for the first time